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New Brand: Taxi Brousse

NEW BRAND:Taxi Brousse

An illustration of a textile designer Léa Mary (rare marie), a Barcelona based brand Taxi Brousse, which aggregates projects such as stationery, children's clothing, etc.

Taxi Brousse_Top
(Photo Credit: Taxi Brousse)

We are expanding many illustrations that cut everyday "colorful" and illustrations that draw fun animals. Prints are combined with local companies, and paper uses recycled paper to adhere to the environment.
Modern and colorful, coloring that feels bright should make the room more fun and more enjoyable.

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There are many other works.Please check the product page.

I'm going to add a variety of works in the future, so enjoy it!

▷ Taxi Broousse product isHere

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【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!


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