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New Brand: monnette

NEW BRAND:Monnette


Paris brand to engrave message in antique spoon purchased in Picardi Brocanto (Sakai City)Monnette (Monet) is new.

MONNETTE names have taken from the nickname of the founder's grandma's nickname that brought the beautiful things and share the sense of brokando.

Merci in So ARE WE♡Dessert Spoon and Bonjour with the character of♡The soup spoons with the character of the character are prepared.

Everything is not in this world, one point. We will deliver in the original Pochette.

Monnette1 Monnette2

You can choose the handle of the handle. Please check the product page by all means

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NEW BRAND:&k amsterdam

New Brand: & K Amsterdam

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!


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