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[Important] Regarding domestic shipping from November 15th (Wed) to November 23rd (Thu)


Thank you for always using so are we.

Due to the pop-up, domestic shipping and shipping of products eligible for free shipping will be temporarily suspended as follows:

[Domestic shipping holidays]️ Wednesday, November 15, 2023 - Thursday, November 23, 2023
[Target products] Items with "Domestic shipping" and "Free shipping" in the product name

Orders received during the holiday period will be shipped sequentially from Friday, November 24th onwards.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

so are we

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ポスター類 送料無料キャンペーン開催

Free shipping campaign for posters

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!

【12/22まで延長!】16,000円以上のご購入でWrapprのFuroshiki Wrapをプレゼント!

[Extended until 12/22!] Get a free Furoshiki Wrap from Wrappr with any purchase of 16,000 yen or more!

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