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Shipping schedule from April 27th (Sat) to May 12th (Sun)

Thank you for always using so are we.
This is a notice regarding shipping schedules during Golden Week.
There are many public holidays in both Japan and France between April 27th (Saturday) and May 12th (Sunday), so
It is expected to take approximately 3 days to 1 week longer than normal delivery time.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period and thank you for your patience.

so are we

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【6月】関西で初のpop upを阪急うめだ本店にて開催!

[June] First pop up in Kansai held at Hankyu Umeda Main Store!

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!

【6/7(金)〜】CHOOSEBASE SHIBUYAにて so are we x 海外アーティスト x 波佐見焼 を期間限定販売!

【6/7(金)〜】CHOOSEBASE SHIBUYAにて so are we x 海外アーティスト x 波佐見焼 を期間限定販売!

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