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We now carry DANS LES DENTS!

DANS LES DENTS のお取り扱いスタート!
We have started carrying Dans Les Dents , a brand created by illustrator and graphic designer Guillaume Denaud!
Guillaume, who is based in Batz-sur-mer near Nantes, France, goes by the nickname Dans Les Dents and creates a number of works that combine colorful, rustic and dreamy worlds with an offbeat and optimistic touch.
Please take a look🍎

Dans Les Dents Click here for a list of works by
All Credit Photos: Dans Les Dents

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2/28(火)〜 3/5(日) フランス側倉庫休業のお知らせ

Notice of warehouse closure in France from 2/28 (Tue) to 3/5 (Sun)

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!

【POP UP情報】1/25&26 名古屋にて開催!


Started handling Oueso products

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